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"Heather is a lovely, authentic soul and a profoundly gifted Reiki Master and teacher. Receiving Reiki healing from Heather is like having a reboot of mind, body and spirit. I feel grounded, peaceful, relaxed and refreshed. I notice improvements and shifts immediately following the session and also in the days ahead.
I highly recommend this lovely lady with my whole heart. ✨️💜✨️"
Judith F
"Heather sent me some distance healing . I have been feeling low in energy and out of sorts, since an ear infection which left me with bad tinnitus. As Heather started to send me healing at an arranged time . I was overcome by a warmth sensation all over my body which felt just like a surge of energy flowing around within my body . Then my ear popped as well as falling into very deep state of relaxation. When I came back I felt very calm but energised . I highly recommend you give it a go . Heather thank you so much it was just what I needed.🙏🏽"
"I felt incredibly relaxed during the half hour. Took a few minutes of course, mostly because I have such a busy mind and it’s hard to quiet that down. Once I did I felt so much physical tension start to release - my muscles started to feel loose and relaxed - and you know the gurgling noise your stomach makes during reiki? That began really quickly! So I knew it was working. I turned my phone off so I wouldn't be disturbed and I don’t have a clock, so it was odd that I knew exactly when the 30mins was coming to an end. I was relaxed afterwards, though I’ve had very busy days ever since. However, at the time of the session I had been off work unwell for quite a while and I was still struggling with some symptoms early in the mornings and later in the evenings, but these have now gone! And the dry cough I was dealing with has been much less of a problem too. Thank you so much"
From Janine
"Thank you for this message. It kind of confirms what I have been going through and what I have been thinking about . So spot on there . To sum it up in context has provided me with clarity. It’s a beautiful message which is accepted with much gratitude. Thank you 🙏🏽 for channeling this and for making me focus on what Is ahead."
Surekha 🥰
Holistic Life Therapies
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